Wednesday, October 12, 2011

MMD2306 - Research Blog

Web Design Studio Review - Julien Pons/Freelance Graphic Designer

The overall look and feel to the the Graphic designer's website is minimal, clean and slick. It is simple but is strikingly contrasted by the limited colour palette.

When you first enter, the designer's logo is the first thing you see and a brief description of what the website is about - a graphic designer's website. It is clear you get a feel what the website is about, and the identity of the designer with the non over-bearing logo.

Designer's logo

The main page is uncluttered and elegantly simple, logo and the display of the designer's work below. The images are muted and do not clash with each other, however when you mouse over one of the works it is displayed in full colour, thus gives a lasting impression to the viewer.

Screen shot of the main page

Screen shot when mousing over the designer's work.

Navigating through the page is intuitive and simple. All you need to is simply scroll down through the page to see the different areas of the site. It is clearly separated, so you know the different sections of the site.
The icons are simplified and and tell you exactly what you are looking at or what you need to click on to browse through the designer's works. Which i like, it is easy for a non-techie person. It is also fuss free and straight to the point - about the designer and their work and how to contact the person if that is the kind of work you are looking for and where the person is situated.

There is a brief bio on the designer and a link at the end of it, if you wish to download the CV.
Also the clientele that the person has worked with is right below it, no fuss - Bio on the designer and a visual information to see who the person has worked with and if you like what you see the link is right there to download the designer's CV.
It is clean, brief. Instead of putting information about the clients, the designer has put the logos of each of the clients the person has worked with. A form of branding, logos a form of visually imparting information which easy to remember.

Screen shot of the designer's bio, contact and the various logo of the designer's clientele



Overall i enjoyed browsing through this website. It is clean, slick and minimal - fuss free even the icons look that way. The colours are consistent and the works when clicked upon is displayed in bursts of full colour. Very memorable site such as the branding logo of the designer and that of the client's.
The site is straight to the point and easy to navigate through, easily identifiable, you get a clear feel about the overall look and feel about the designer.

Link of the designer's website:

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